Work With Us

Are you a travel brand looking to connect with a savvy audience of wanderlust-driven explorers? Then you’ve come to the right place! TheMainPearl offers creative partnership opportunities tailored to your goals.

Advertising & Sponsorships

From display ads to sponsored content, we work with select brands that align with our mission of inspiring unforgettable travel experiences. Our readers trust our recommendations – help get your offering in front of this engaged community.

Affiliate Marketing

We hand-pick travel products and services that add value to our reader’s adventures. If your company offers booking tools, gear, apps or other travel-related products our audience would love, let’s discuss an affiliate partnership.

Influencer Collaborations

Our founder and writers have dedicated followings across multiple social media platforms. We’re open to collaborations with travel influencers whose personalities and values are a natural fit.

Press Trips & Experiences

Are you a hotel, tour company or destination offering truly unique travel experiences? We’re always seeking out-of-the-box adventures to review and share with our readers.

No matter the collaboration, you can count on TheMainPearl to create inspiring, authentic content that resonates. We’ll work closely with you to understand your goals and execute creative campaigns that drive results.

Ready to get started?

Drop us a line at [email protected] with a bit about your brand and ideas! We’ll be in touch soon to explore how we can work together.